Newsletter Issue 4

27 January, 2025
The REALHOLO project made significant progress in developing a novel MMA-based SLM (Spatial Light Modulator) and demonstrating its capabilities in a real holographic MR (Mixed Reality) application.
  • The CMOS backplane design and the challenging packaging substrate design was verified through extensive simulations and finalized with high quality.
  • Progress was made in MEMS manufacturing with steady improvements in MMA chip qua- lity despite setbacks, with promising results and recent wafer lots yet to be characterized.
  • The finalized actuator design now includes advanced features like a shield ring and optimi- zed geometrical parameters.
Nevertheless, some significant amendments and updates within the REALHOLO project were ongoing. These modifications are crucial for adapting to unforeseen circumstances and ensu- ring the continued success of the project. The ongoing automotive crisis has presented challenges that have impacted the REALHOLO project. Some operational challenges have necessitated a strategic decision to restructure the consortium. We welcome Holoeye and Realview Imaging into the consortium, introducing al- ternative use cases that align with the project‘s objectives. Additionally, Fraunhofer IPMS took on the role of the technical lead, ensuring continuity and expertise within the consortium.

Click here to read the newsletter and get the latest information about the project: Newsletter Issue 04