
10 February, 2025

SPIE Photonics West 2025

Also this year REALHOLO was represented by Fraunhofer IPMS in SPIE Photonics West.
27 January, 2025

Newsletter Issue 4

The REALHOLO project made significant progress in developing a novel MMA-based SLM (Spatial Light Modulator) and demonstrating its capabilities in a real holographic MR (Mixed Reality) application. The CMOS backplane design and the challenging packaging substrate design was verified through...
30 January, 2024

SPIE Photonics West 2024

Fraunhofer IPMS presented a paper on "Novel reflective SLM in real holographic 3D HUD displays and their impact on quality" and "Characterization of MEMS piston mirror arrays with comb drive actuator" at SPIE Photonics West 2024.
11 October, 2023

CadenceLIVE Europe 2023

X-FAB presented a paper on "Zero-DPPM X-FAB Digital IPs and Cell-Aware Test Benefit Assessment Using Cadence Modus and Legato Reliability Solutions" at the CadenceLIVE Europe 2023.
15 June, 2023

Correlation between REALHOLO and PHABULOuS

REALHOLO and PHABULOuS Pilot Line started a project collaboration. We are excited about future collaborations, discussions and exchanging complimentary ideas to combine augmented reality and holographic experiences. REALHOLO partners join the PHABULOuS workshop on “Free-form Micro-Optics for consumer electronics” to...
15 June, 2023

Correlation between REALHOLO and SPOTLIGHT

On the 23rd of May 2023, a correlation call took place between REALHOLO and SPOTLIGHT, another Horizon Europe project funded under the same call. Although the projects diverged in terms of their primary focus, the call brought to light some...
9 May, 2023

Interview with X-FAB France

Christophe Sabatier from X-FAB France is talking about the REALHOLO project and its challenges.
4 April, 2023

REALHOLO Meeting in France with Industry Advisory Board

The REALHOLO consortium met on 28-30th March 2023 at X-FAB in France for a technical meeting and a public workshop with the Industry Advisory Board members of the project.
14 February, 2023

SPIE Photonics West 2023

Peter Duerr from Fraunhofer IPMS presented a poster on "Improved comb drive design for MEMS piston mirror arrays" and "FEM simulations to optimize a micro mirror array package for a wide operating temperature range" at SPIE Photonics West 2023.
6 February, 2023

Interview with the Technical and WP3 lead of the REALHOLO project

Peter Duerr from Fraunhofer IPMS (Technical and WP3 Lead) is talking about the REALHOLO project and its challenges.
6 February, 2023

Interview with the WP2 lead of the REALHOLO project

Thierry Delmot from nSilition (WP2 Lead) is talking about the REALHOLO project and its challenges.
21 December, 2022

Happy Holidays & Happy New Year 2023!

🎄 The entire REALHOLO team wishes everyone wonderful holidays and a happy new year 2023. 🎄
15 December, 2022

Interview with the WP1 lead of the REALHOLO project

Johannes Pleikies from SeeReal is talking about the REALHOLO project and its challenges.
22 November, 2022

First face-to-face Technical Meeting in Dresden

In the past months the REALHOLO project made a big step forward with the research and development of a new type of SLM, a micro-electro-mechanical system (MEMS) based reflective micro-display: a micro mirror array (MMA) component with a unique set...
8 February, 2022

REALHOLO in 2 minutes

We proudly present the 2-minutes explainer about the REALHOLO project! Lay back and learn how real and virtual worlds are merged to produce mixed reality (MR) environments that replace the well-known 3D technology using holograms.
21 December, 2021


Within this Podcast we introduce the REALHOLO project. Partners Hagen Stolle and Johannes Pleikies from SeeReal Technologies speak about the goals and challenges in this H2020 project which aims to bring holography to the forefront by prototyping practical applications.
16 December, 2021

First Industry (Advisory) Board meeting

On Thursday, 16th December 2021 the REALHOLO consortium met with its Industry (Advisory) Board, which is composed of representatives from Holoeye, Mycronic, Philips and XMF. We collected feedback on our ongoing work and will implement it in our future work....
17 November, 2021

REALHOLO presented at MST 2021

REALHOLO partner Fraunhofer IPMS presented REALHOLO results at the MicroSystemTechnik Congress that took place from November 8th to 10th, 2021 in Ludwigsburg.
1 September, 2021

REALHOLO 1st newsletter released

The 1st REALHOLO newsletter has been released, which is focused on the results of the first 6 project months.
13 July, 2021

1st Interim Review Meeting

The first interim Review Meeting took place viertually on 13th July 2021. The day was dedicated to present the progress over the past 6 months, the status and main achievements of all work packages were presented and discussed and the...
16 June, 2021

Technical Meeting (virtual)

The REALHOLO consortium met on 15th June 2021 virtually to discuss the technical work progress and to prepare for the 1st Interim Review Meeting in July. Overall, the work is progressing well and solutions for emerged challenges could be found...
4 March, 2021

Today in a talk with Christophe Sabatier

Today in a talk with Christophe Sabatier from X-FAB France - 5 questions about himself and the REALHOLO H2020 project
23 February, 2021

Today in a talk with the team from Sencio

Today in a talk with Oliver Maiwald, Ignas van Dommelen and Sonia Elwardi from Sencio
8 February, 2021

Today in a talk with Hagen Stolle

Today in a talk with Hagen Stolle from SeeReal - 5 questions about himself and the REALHOLO H2020 project
30 January, 2021

REALHOLO mentioned in Fraunhofer IPMS Annual Report

Fraunhofer IPMS described the REALHOLO project in their annual report.
29 January, 2021

REALHOLO kicked off

The H2020 REALHOLO project launched with a virtual kick-off meeting on 19th-20th January 2021. Project partners gathered to plan, organize and designate duties for the next 48 months. The upcoming work and tasks in the work packages were correlated and...
18 January, 2021


Watch the project teaser and immerge yourself into the world of REALHOLO!