Dissemination & Communication
REALHOLO Newsletter Issue 04
The 4th REALHOLO newsletter has been released, which is focused on the latest results and major changes within the project.
Poster on Improved comb drive design for MEMS piston mirror arrays
Partner Fraunhofer presented a poster at SPIE Photonics West 2023.
Poster on FEM Simulations to optimize a micro mirror array package for a wide operating temperature range
Partner Fraunhofer presented a poster at SPIE Photonics West 2023.
REALHOLO Newsletter Issue 03
The 3rd REALHOLO newsletter has been released, which is focused on WP2 and WP3.
Presentation on Advantages of Phase Modulating MEMS for Full 3D Hologram Scene Reconstruction
Partner SeeReal gave a presentation at Digital Holography and Three-Dimensional Imaging 2022.
REALHOLO Newsletter Issue 02
The 2nd REALHOLO newsletter has been released, which is focused on the results of the first project period (M01-M12).
Presentation on MEMS Piston Mirror Arrays for Computer Generated Holography
Partner Fraunhofer gave a presentation at SPIE Photonics West 2022.
Presentation on MEMS Spatial Light Modulatorsfor Real Holographic 3D Displays
Partner Fraunhofer gave a presentation at MikroSystemTechnik Kongress 2021.
REALHOLO Newsletter Issue 01
The 1st REALHOLO newsletter has been released, which is focused on the results of the first 6 project months.
Presentation on Challenges of monolithic MEMS-on-CMOS integrationfor spatial light modulators
Partner Fraunhofer gave a presentation at the SPIE Photonics West 2021.
Project Leaflet
The official leaflet of the H2020 project “REALHOLO” is available, containing project information, mission, vision and goals of the project.